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Welcome to Kindergarten

August 2018

Dear Parents,


          Welcome to Babcock Neighborhood School (Project Based Learning Charter Public School). The beginning of the school year is a very exciting time for your child. If your child is like most children, he/she will come to school with a natural desire to learn, plenty of energy, and a little anticipation by the change of his/her routine. You have probably been preparing your child for school by answering questions and talking about the school. I would like to share with you some tips for making this school experience a success.


  • Focus on the positive things that are happening in your child’s classroom/school and share these positive experiences with others.Talk about positive experiences and memories you had about your school years. If possible, show your child a picture of what you looked like in Kindergarten. Share your elementary school yearbook with your child. Share some of your positive experiences. Make it exciting and fun.

  • Encourage your child to ask plenty of questions about school.

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep. Put your child to bed a little earlier than usual the first few days of school. Once a routine is established, adjust a bedtime that meets your child’s needs.

  • Children love a routine. Practice the morning routine of getting up early, eating a healthy breakfast,& getting to school on time. Have your child in school all day, every day (unless they are very ill). Try to schedule all appointments after school. When your child is not in school, they miss out on important classwork assignments & instruction. They may have difficulties performing well on tests and other assignments when they miss school. I will give your child make-up work that needs to be completed at home when they are absent (if possible).

  • Reserve a little time after school to talk about your child’s day. Right after school, if possible, look over anything he/she brought home from school. Discuss any schoolwork, and offer encouragement and praise.

  • Respect, trust, communication, and cooperation between parents/teachers are essential for promoting a positive learning environment. Please be mindful of the precious time that I have with our students. If you need to contact me, please keep your positive/respectful questions brief and to a minimum. Many questions can be resolved by speaking with your child and/or working on specific academic skills and/or behavior at home to help your child succeed in school. I am requesting only positive & respectful messages/e-mails be sent to me. I will request a parent/teacher conference (through phone/in person) if you have concerns. I have found this to be the best way to communicate if there are concerns. We are a positive team. It takes a village:)


I am excited to have your child in my class this year. I look forward to working with you to make sure your child has a wonderful school year.



Mrs. Carey



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